Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Now you've got purple polka dots...

For the past 2 weeks I have been driving my younger sister and cousin back and forth, 4 days a week, to a summer acting program about 15 minutes from my house. It is incredibly boring driving the same route twice a day, but there is one specific spot on the ride that makes me smile. On the side of the road (which happens to be the road where my best friend lived when I was little, where some of my most favoritest family lives now, and where my favorite little, old stone house EVER is) sits this little piece of adorableness.

 Yup. That is right. 

It is a POLKA-DOTTED CAR. Literally. Not even some do-it-yourself decals; custom paint job! Cute, vintage thing. A tiny, 2 door-ed Honda from 1971. And it is for sale (price not listed...)!
I don't need a car, don't have the money to buy one, and would never be girl enough to drive something white and polka-dotted, but it was worth a road-side photo stop so I could share it with you.


  1. ohhhhh just wait until you see tomorrows post. it involves tiaras and some crazy princesses. and one pirate. :)


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