Thursday, August 12, 2010

Another 22nd birthday.

Remember the post about me, a 22nd birthday party and a tutu? Good times. Well this week I attended another birthday party for a turning 22 years old friend. And not just any old friend, my Soul Sister (her birthday is my half- birthday and vice versa. So, according to her, that makes us Soul Sisters) Sarah Louise. Who is a mermaid, princess, artist and all-around good time.

So obviously any old party wouldn't do. So she threw a princess/tea party, because "the thought of it filled her with happiness." Tiaras were mandatory.

Now, if you know me, I am anything but a princess/mermaid kinda girl. Don't do glitter, don't do pink, don't do girly, and definitely don't do princess parties with tiaras. But, as I love my dear 'Weeze' I went. On the agreement that (as it was my HALF birthday) I could dress semi-piratical (which turned out more pirate/princess/punk) and still wear the tiara. (She agreed to this. She is happy whenever she can bring even a liiiiitttle girliness out of me. She calls me Isabella KissesandHugs.)

I was a pirate. Everyone else was a princess. And we had a 22nd birthday party and it was most fabulous.

Silly birthday card. You can't tell in the picture, but it glitters because I added in some sparkly nail polish over-top the marker. And yes, I even OWN a tiara (or 3...) because of Irish Dance. Painful beast, but for the love of Sarah Louise I wore it all night!

 Some princess in a tree house. Makes sense, right? No...but it was fun squeezing like 11 people into it, wondering if the floor would hold over 1,100 pounds...and it DID!

 This was the "you had better put these pictures up on facebook (which I don't use really) or your blog" face from the chief princess. Look. I obeyed. You happy Weeze? 

Me and my soul sister on a swing...being emo or something for some reason. "Look sad! We can make an emo band and this can be our cover!"

Me, the Soul Sister, and my actual (but also not really...) sister Emikel.

So they say "now lets see how many princesses the hammock can hold!" I sit down first. And promptly the hammock rises up in mutiny and I end up on my butt in the grass. Still not sure what went wrong. I am a pirate and am totally pro at hammocking...?

Princesses who were more successful at hammocking than I...

Princess Weeze showing off her Disney Princess Spaghetti-O's from Princess Lydia.

Up-close proof of the tiara wearing. Yeah. I did it. With a skull shirt, skull earrings, (fantastic) red peasant skirt, and studded leather belt and shoes. Yup. I did. 
Oh and did I mention I parked my car down the road and walked to her house... I think everyone who walked by wanted to be my friend or something. Oh good times.

22nd birthdays are just so fun (or seem to be with my friends). Who's next? What other girly costumes might I end up in for the sake of celebrations? Only time will tell...


  1. My darling Isabella Kissesandhugsandcuddling,
    Once upon a time, I am an amazingly wonderful influence on you.

    I liked the way the glitter nail polish smelled. Is it weird that I smelled your card?

    Our soul sister pirate princess emo band will have Hebrew-only lyrics. Perhaps we can translate Miss Manners into Hebrew and put it to music? Sleep on it before you answer.

    We are probably due for a coffee date sometime. Text me.

    I love you.

    And they all lived happily ever after.
    The End.

  2. I can't top that. You are just too adorable and i love you.
    the end.
    Isabella K&H&(apparently we are adding on!)C. :)

  3. OH! Also! The way you move aint fair you know.
    I forgot to add that.


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