Tuesday, June 22, 2010

One Last Shot.

....and we're back!!! Long and busy week, but now I'm coming back attcha, Bloglandria!

The latest in World Cup news: England is playing again.

Tomorrow. 10 am, my time (sadly, I will be at work and missing the game. AHHH!!!) Hopefully this time they like...play.

The Friday game was...just horrendous. I was all dressed up, decked out in my England-pride gear, even painted my face, and then they played like FAILLLLLUREEES.
...look at me (I'm glowing strangely blue...?) with my awesome painted face. I also turned the 3 kids I was watching into Brit fans and got them to paint little flags on their cheeks! YEAAAHHH!  
{Technically my face should have been white with a red cross but the paint was soooooo itchy! Maybe they would have won if I had gone ALLLL out and put up with the itching.............}

This doesn't capture the full glory of me in my Brit flag (hand done!) t-shirt over a red and white tank top, red and white sweater, red skinny pants with ENGLAND belt, and even flag SOCKS! If it is worth doing it is worth over doing...or so I've been told.

oh yes that is right, I painted the flag on my nails! Sooooooo cool!

England is the 8th best team in the world, and they were among the favorites to win it all. But they sure didn't play like it last week. It was their coach's birthday and they couldn't even manage to give him a happy one. The players were not communicating. Not being aggressive. Not doing anything that they usually do. The star players must have forgotten that they were star players or something... It was almost heartbreaking! Rooney is known to do awesome things and...he didn't. Gerrard is supposed to be the captain but...he didn't play like it. The only team member who really delivered was goalie David James (Side note: my cat Tobin James has been renamed. His new name is Tobin David James. In case you wanted to know...). Poor injured David Beckham was on the sides raising his eyebrows and throwing his hands in the air. England's princes were sitting in the crowd with their arms crossed and faces grouchy-looking. The fans were boo-ing louder than the Algerian fan's horns.

It was a game that put me on the edge of my seat and sent me into a lot of screaming/arm flailing at the television. Their chances of advancing out of their group is now very small. Slovenia is in the lead with 4 points. But if USA and England (each 2 points currently) win their matches tomorrow they would both advance. Or at least one of them along with Slovenia. Time will tell... (If neither England, my team, or USA, my homeland, advance I've decided I'm going to be Argentinian. They play beautiful as a team...but are a little weak on defense.)

So my team did awful. But I still love them. I will still support them in this next game. I will still wear all my England t-shirts ( and jerseys...hoodies...socks...belts...hats...) with pride.

I just sure hope they step it up this time so I don't have to cry..........


So is USA! See ya later Algeria and Slovenia!
Good work, my people, good work!
Now they advance to the next match up of the remaining 16 teams. England is going to have to play either Germany, Ghana, or Serbia (deciding games in play right now) and IF they win that stage they play ARGENTINA in the quarter final.
Which would be very stressful, as I would have a hard time knowing who to cheer for... Argentina is my second fave. But I know where my loyalties lie.
Oh well, I at least won't have to watch them lose to Portugal-Cristiano Ronaldo, evilest of evils- again like I did four years ago. That was torture.



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