Monday, June 28, 2010

Oh yeah, I have a blog.../quote-ables

Sorry I have been a little neglectful with the blogging lately. I may or may not have replaced times I would have spent blogging with soccer...*England is out, guys and I'm pretty heartbroken. They went out yesterday morning. 4:1 loss to Germany.

Today's post isn't exactly going to be made up of any quotes...unless you consider website links something to quote...

I want to share with you a couple sites you might want to check out and maybe even become involved with.

#1. Impact Nations is the ministry of Steve and Christina Stewart, who just so happened to come to my church yesterday and minister in our services. They are amazing people who are truly living out their faith in Jesus Christ. They aren't just Christians, they are REAL, LIVE Christ- followers. They bring the love of Christ and the Kindgom of God all over the world (they have currently 52 projects world-wide, where they do things like run medical clinics and install clean water filtration systems. They minister to the poor and downtrodden. And they see salvations and healings like CRAZY.) So, check out their site. That is what the Kingdom of God LOOKS like. And it is beautiful!

#2. After the 3 morning services at my Church I went over to a smoothie place (Emerald City Smoothie) run my a young man from our youth group to get a Mango Mania smoothie. I do that frequently but yesterday was a special occasion. 2 other guys from our youth group had arranged to have 10% of that days smoothie profits go to Love 146 ( ), an organization working to end child sex trafficking around the world. Our youth group learned about Rob Morris and his organization at the Awakening Youth Conference a couple months back and since then lots of our youth have been getting involved and doing different things to fund raise towards this cause. You NEED to check out their site as well. Watch this video and you'll forever be messed up.

#3. This is the final website I wish to share with you. In case you forgot, Merge Ahead is the youth group at my church that I keep mentioning. And also if you forgot, I am going with them to Costa Rica in...11 days! That link will take you to our mission's site. Check out pictures from last year's Costa Rica trip (look for me! I'm the one with long hair and glasses!) or maybe even consider donating to my trip this year (I'll show up as Bella, not Isabella). Still a bit of fundraising left to do (and don't forget about my etsy/artfire shops!)...  but please, definitely be praying for my team and I! And remember, for the 10 days I'll be gone you can check that site and follow along with my team. We daily posts pictures (some taken by me! ), video testimonies, and written recaps of what is going on (written by me!). Check it out and take part in what will soon be going on in my life! I'm so excited to be going back again! Thanks!

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