Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sometimes things do not go as planned...

Well, I THOUGHT I was crocheting an owl.
But when you use no patterns and just make things up as you go along, sometimes things turn out differently than you originally imagined them to be.
So I didn't end up with an owl. Instead I got a...

Meet Harper.
{She is a baby mockingbird.}

She is on the smaller side of my usual Amigurumi animals at only 7 inches tall. She is made up of several yarns from previous projects (my sweater, and Zatara Bear). She will soon be finding her way onto my Etsy/Artfire shops.

Perhaps do you NEED a little, fuzzy mockingbird in your life?

*still looking for custom orders, if anyone out there wants something. In the next couple day I will be starting to make a custom Pink Turtle for someone who hunted me down on my last amigurumi post. Will you be next???

**ps: if you know anything about blog buttons, check out my post prior to this one and help me out! Thanks!


  1. I liked what you had to say in a comment you made on another blog about "large families". I decided to check out your blog as well. I like what I see and have decided to become a follower. Keep on writing and you could indeed change the world. God could use a lot more young people like you.

  2. Wow! This is just extremely cute ♥ I love to see how people create amazing things unfortunately if I attempt to do so, it ends up looking like rubbish…so so sad…and in my case when things end-up a different the word disaster describes the situation to perfection hahahaha…wonderful work♥


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