Thursday, November 19, 2009

On Name Stealers, Soul Suckers, and Abnormally Hairy Men...

Brace yourself.

This post is on my active boycott of all things Vampirious.

Oh, where to start....

The Twilight Saga.

I am the anti-Twilight and I could list off reasons why enough to fill the total capacity of a blog. No, I am not going to see New Moon tomorrow. No, I didn't see Twilight. Nope, I haven't even read the books. Nor do I ever plan to. Ever. (and I know what I know from extensive analysis of this fad, not from participating in it. It's good to know your enemy's tactics if you want to counterattack...)

This is a full on protest. Anyone care to join me?

Okay. Now I begin.

Firstly, Isabella "Bella" Swan (or her creator...) STOLE MY NAME! I can't even put into words how annoyed I am by that. Every time I introduce myself to a female (generally...) between the ages of 10 up to about 20 my first name is always followed by the response "OH! Like in Twilight."

No. Not at all like that.

I have literally had a 12 year old girl ask me if I was named after Bella Swan....(To which my response was "Yes. I've mastered time travel.") The first book was published in 2005 and I am just a wee bit older than age 4...

Also, there are the Twilight jokes; "Bella, say hi to Edward for me!" "Bella, where's your vampire boyfriend?"


I still love my name, but no longer is it unique. Recently it has topped the charts of popular baby girl names as #1. I spent my life being totally use to being the only Isabella in a store, in a group, on a beach, etc, etc. But now I constantly turn my head in confusion as a parent calls their pig-tailed 2 year old....

But this is only the beginning of my anti-Twilightism.

Fad books- you know, the ones that everyone, even non-readers, are reading just because everyone is reading them? Then authors and publishers jump on board the craze train and soon the world is over taken by shallowly written books which all have the same plot and seemingly same characters!

Wednesday, to help prove my point, I went and counted the number of vampire books on the 2 teen shelves in my favorite book store. The number I came up with was just from looking at titles and covers and not even having to open the books.


TWENTY THREE DIFFERENT TITLES (not including Meyer's) with Vampires in main roles.
As someone who is passionate about reaching youth culture by youth literature, I already have something very serious against Teen Romance novels. They infuriate me to no end; why are we feeding youth with such garbage? But what makes me even more upset is when the main characters include Soul Suckers! It's a whole new level of wrong and awful...

I had to leave the store before I fell to my knees and began crying out for the hopeless, lostness of my generation. I sat in my car in the mall parking lot for quite some time, literally feeling sick and praying my heart out.

Let me just tell you a little about Vampires. Contrary to popular belief they are not the attractive, sparkling, large eyebrowed type.

Vampires are EVIL. They can't even be expose to sunlight (they are supposed to turn to stone, not sparkle!)as they are creatures of the darkness! Weird things hide out in darkness...

They maintain immortality by sucking blood out of mortals. Edward Cullen (whose last name "conveniently" means handsome in Gaelic...) obviously kept himself busy for the last 104 years... oh wait, he drinks animal blood instead of human... what a hero...

People used to write books about killing these wicked creatures by driving stakes through their hearts...

And now people write books about falling in "love" with them!?!?!

Then there is Jacob Black, Bella's "Friend" (I won't get started on that...) the Werewolf, who seems to always be shirtless...
...Yeah, that's right, they are evil too, actually. Creatures of darkness that shift from Human to Wolf form, free of human cares they go about biting/eating Humans and Livestock. That's what werewolves do...

There are many more things wrong with these books besides the the name stealing and Teenage -Romance-with-Evil plot. There is murder committed by Edward, large amounts of vampires trying to bite Bella in a revenge, Bella trying to get her wondrous Vampire boyfriend to bite her so she can be a Vampire, attempted suicide, and to top it off Bella, by book4, ends up with a half-vampire-half-human baby...

And in the end, to save her life, her dear love Edward the Soul Sucker finally turns her into a vampire...


How are they good for anyone to be reading, let alone teenagers?!

Feel free to disagree, that won't change anything for me.
I think while all of this makes me angry, even more so it makes me sad. I am not mad at Stephanie Meyer really, I am also not mad at the people who love books and movies like hers. I am, however, very angered with the tactics of the prince of this world -Satan- and how he has found another way to destroy the minds of youth.
Our female (sadly even some male...) youth are OBSESSED with these books where the tiny, pretty, 17 year old female character is throwing herself into the arms of Vampires and Werewolves for the sake of "love."

Something- EVERYTHING- is wrong with this picture.
I am going to stop myself now instead of going on forever about this.

If anyone is interested in boycotting with me, feel free to join in.

And for those of you who are "in love" with images Vampires and Werewolves and find yourself on "Team Edward or "Team Jacob," I am genuinely sorry that the media has corrupted your minds...


  1. Fad books: *see "Harry Potter"

    She doesn't even get Vampires or Werewolves right. Since when do werewolves change on free will or when they get angry? What are they? The friggin Hulk now? They're supposed to be cursed and at the mercy of the moon.
    Vampires are undead. Demons possessing dead bodies. Once the term "vampire" became popularized in the 19th century their image has slowly changed and now people don't even know how evil they are. Sad really.

    Sorry...I guess I could rant on this all day too. Maybe I will...

    I'm with you, Bella!!


Drop me a line! I don't hate comments.