Friday, November 20, 2009

My Life on a Key Chain...

This might be one of the more random posts,
but you can blame my friends Sam D. and Weeze
for helping me analyze this to the point of ridiculous...

Having left my key lanyard on a table, my friends decided to scrutinze it and this is what was discovered:

Somehow my life is very symbolically represented in what that lanyard holds. It was actually rather strange...
It might be profound, or it might be a product of caffienated soda and late night analysis...

Either away, it will come out semi-amusing. Here is what you will find on my key chain;

- Durango car key- You can't analyze took much out of that. It's for the car. It gets me places. Clearly important in my daily life...
- Unique-looking zebra printed house key- Signifies the importance of my family which is also very unique...however none of them are far as I know...
-Gas station "speed pass"- I get things done fast and as efficiently as possible
-Starbucks key chain-sized gift card- I love coffee. I love Starbucks. Enough said...
-Gym Membership Card- I love physical activity and the gym gives me a way of getting lots of it. Although, lately I have been slacking...
-Town Library Card- for the importance of literature and books.
-2 rings-
---Cladaugh Irish Ring- (I used to wear it on my thumb, but it cracked so it would frequently pinch me) for the love of the Irish and their Dancing.
--- Big signet-like ring with a bird on it- I love silver rings; they kind of make up some sliver of my identity; without them on, I am just not me. I have four which almost never leave my fingers. And of course this particular one has a bird on it, which though is really a blackbird, I say it is a raven.
- A Mini Converse Sneaker- bought for me by my friend "Mopeeps;" if you know me like she does then you know that I constantly and almost only wear Converse High Tops. The best.
And then the lanyard itself -Black and White, reading MERGEAHEAD.COM- my youth group's web page. Merge is a HUGE part of my life. It is MY youth group. Plus, I am very involved in the worship team- come on a Sunday night and you will find me with a Microphone in my face and a Keyboard at my fingertips.

So, now you either think I am crazy, or you found this interesting. I don't mind either way.

But I find it intriguing that I managed to create a pretty full representation of myself on something so small.


  1. There's nothing about writing on there.

  2. I promise You Bella, that if I come across any pirates on this island I will commandeer them and take them captive and squish them in my suitcase... OR better yet, I won't put them in my suitcase, the airline ppl will be so scared that they will just give them a seat. Thats really how it SHOULD work and then I'll take off a few more days of school and bring him directly back to you. Under the condition that your first child's middle name be chase because I chased you down a pirate man to marry. I assume the childs first name will be the name of his/her father. It's pirate fashion right?

  3. Haha! It really is true now I think about it. Your life is an a lanyard, interesting. Now I shall go examine mine...though I most likely won't find much ;)

  4. it is missing a couple things like pirates (alto my key does have a pirate sticker on it...)
    and writing (*but has books and literature*)but yes, strangely i carry myself around on a lanyard...weirrrrd.

  5. We'll have to fix those things ;) "my life is hanging by a [lanyard]."

  6. im not sure how many more little dodads i wanna carry around ...that thing is getting a little hefty...

  7. I am honored to have been a part of this process. Also, we're sort of like little kids, thanks for bringing your toys and keeping us entertained :-)


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