Sunday, May 26, 2013

Flashback to one year ago today: Our Wedding

This post is being brought to you thanks to the power of scheduled posting. JoJo and I are currently still enjoying our Oahu Vacation and today are celebrating our FIRST ANNIVERSARY!

To celebrate blog style, here are some wedding ceremony pictures! I realize I actually never posted any of the official ones. Another post with reception and formal shots coming later. All these lovely photos documenting our most wonderful day are accredited to Jeff and Vicki Crandall of Jeff Crandall Photography.
I cannot believe it has already been a year. Wow. For the record, ^^this is still the look on our faces.

We've been told repeatedly that the first year of marriage will be the hardest. Can't say I agree...I mean, yes we did do it a little different. We got married and 8 days later he left on his first deployment to Qatar. That was 6 months. We have now actually been together geographically since December (and its so much better this way!). Our Pastor said probably the first year and three months would be a better gauge for us, since the whole deployment thing...but again... I really can't say this has been hard. Different? Most assuredly. Are we learning a lot about each other and married life? For certain. But we are so enjoying it a whole lot. Being best friends helps. I think part of it is we had a really good foundation of being able to communicate well, thanks to all the long distance. Also, we think we have just been really blessed. And we are mighty happy about it.

Happy one year to us; here's to forever.


  1. Beautiful photos! And happy anniversary to you both! Hope you're enjoying your time away! (And together, most importantly:)

  2. A most gorgeous bride, and a simply beautiful daughter. A wonderful day....


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