Friday, February 4, 2011

Be the icicle...

I really like this shot.

I am trying to get inside the ...mind?...of the icicles hanging over my deck. I pressed myself against my house, and tilted the camera up towards that which is the ice stalactite. I was trying to get to know it. Understand its behavior and mental processes (have I been studying for psychology class? why yes, how did you know!?).

Actually, no, I was just trying to get a different angle on the icicles. But I like how this turned out.

For a full adventure in my snow-covered (and I mean COOOOVEERRRED. Like 4 feet.) backyard check the flickr. I just uploaded a bunch of photos of my life in Narnia...I mean New England... the land of the ice and snow. At this point they are pretty much all the same place. Only in New England we don't have talking lions and carrying swords is generally frowned upon.


Is it spring yet?


  1. You took this picture?! Amazing! You are extremely talented! How amazing!!! Thanks for the photo it was really neat!

  2. Oh wow. That picture is stunning! I wish we had icicles...

    In Christ,

  3. nice shot. amazing.

  4. Isn't it dangerous to get directly under an icicle and look up?

  5. Amazing shot! Love the sky and the frozen tree in the background.


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