Friday, January 7, 2011


In the pleasant chaos that as the end of December I didn't get around to posting pictures from a shopping trip my family makes every year at Christmas (and Thanksgiving...and sometimes Easter) time.

Whatever holiday we end up celebrating with my dad's (Italian) family always requires lots of authentic, Italian munchables. And there is only one place my family ever gets these traditional eats: D&D Market.

My dad goes every year for Christmas, usually the day before Christmas Eve, and takes a couple kids with him. He is in charge of getting all meats, cheese, olives, bread, and other such things for "antipasto" (meaning "before the meal" food, in Italian). His dad used to go every year, as did his grandfather. It is one of those traditions that has just stuck with us.

This year he took two of my sisters, and I joined in for the sake of photo documentation (and to remind him that we need lots of Sicilian olives, little balls of mozzarella and bags of rosemary crackers.).

Take a looksie (full set on Flickr!)

 all the rich stuff.

Guess how much that big one was? 
$80! WHOA!

 Dear Buffalo Mozzarella,
You are so delicious. I think I love you more for that it is healthy.
Love, Bella

Dear Water Buffalo's,
HOW DO YOU make such magical cheese? I love you as well.
Love, Bella

 Waiting at the deli.
 My twelve year old sister looks at this (proscuitto rolled in mozzarella) and asks "Is that sushi?"

The sweet, Italian Butcher-man (who has worked there as long as I can remember) offered to take a picture of my sisters and I when he saw me shooting pictures of everything.
I felt like such a tourist...?

D&D Market. It never really changes. Every time we go it is very much the same, and most of the time we buy more or less all the same stuff. I've been many times, but I still like to go when I get the chance. It is just one of those traditions that goes along with Christmas. It has been passed on for so many years that I don't think I can have a Christmas dinner (or before dinner snacks) without mozzarella and Sicilian Olives. And I don't plan I trying to.

**Dear Far-in-the-Future Kids of Bella,
You had better like cheese, olives and lots of bread.
Otherwise you won't be eating on Christmas.
I am warning you now...



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