Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Remember this morning when I thought 17 inches of snow was a big deal (see post from earlier today)? Well...I was more naive then than I am now. 17 inches is NOTHING.

Look, look with your special eyes upon this!
Yeah. Exactly.
I kid you not, there is 26 inches of snow outside my house. 26! TWENTY SIX! My mind cannot even comprehend fluffy, white precipitation at such a number!

AND it is STILL snowing!? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!? Storm Benedict! You are a monstrous fellow!

 Snow up against glass door.
 Boys in a snow cave.

 My dad and his trust snow blower (mostly) cleared out our driveway. The jobs looks like it might never end though.

Well...there was a BMW in our driveway...dunno where it is now...?

 *kids in snow photos stolen from my mom...

This is all very unbelievable. I know I live in New England but this is excessive for our little state. It has been snowing since midnight and is still showing no signs of letting up. We might need to live in igloos and get a dog team soon. This is just getting CRAZY.

I'll keep you updated. Assuming I am not covered over in snow soon...

1 comment:

  1. Whoa!! So much snow! Looks like you guys are having fun playing/digging out of it, anyway! he he. We were supposed to get snow today, but it rained right after, so it's already


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