Monday, December 13, 2010

Boots with the socks and the skinnybottomed jeans...

Okay, firstly, I am hesitant to even do a fashion post as this is by no means a fashion blog. Nor will it ever be a fashion blog. I promise. I do not have time to get dressed and repeatedly take photos of myself. I like being behind the camera, not in front of it, and I don't really want to have a blog about what I am wearing everyday. Works for some people, but not me. For me it is personally too time consuming, too girly, too much attention on stuff of little importance.

Anyway, I like clothes a lot a lot and I enjoy wearing them as a means of artistic expression. People often tell me they love my clothes or ask me if I have ever considered a career in the fashion industry but the answer is "Thank you, but no." I wear what I wear because I like it, not because anyone else told me I should. I don't dress to get attention or to not get attention. Truth is, I don't even really like compliments. I just like to look awesome for my own sake! I wear what I wear because I like it! I do not follow trends. I do not dress like the majority. But...this is an exception. I am going to post clothing on this blog. Me wearing it, other people wearing it. I think I could potentially following a trend here? Oh dear...

CONFESSION: I am obsessed with boots and the concept of wearing knee high socks with them, particularly over skinny jeans. No doubt about it this is my favorite cold weather trend EVER (well, besides layering. I am a master at that). This is taking my love of wearing boots to a whole new level. I have always loved boots and I only own skinny jeans so I can wear my boots to their full potential. I'm not sure who came up with this sock thing, but I want to hug them. Socks over my pants under my boots somehow makes me very happy.

Not everyone seems to get this. "Why are you wearing socks over your pants?" "Are those socks attached to your boots?" "What is the point?" (Yes, I am, no, they are not, and there isn't one.)

but seriously, HOW COULD YOU NOT THINK THIS IS AWESOME!? Don't like it? Shut your eyes and me, my socks and my boots will all disappear. I think it is great. So I am going to keep doing it!
 *waldo/elf socks! Yet to actually leave my house with these over my pants...maybe someday.

 And so are these people...

 (click for sources)

Aw, my mythbustin' girl Kari Byron rocking some sick boots with socks! 
Love her. Stylish, cute, smart, can shoot guns and blow stuff up and is on Tv...
Ps: I own those arm warmers!

 Okay, I promise (!) I will not show up any place in this outfit. Don't fret. I just like the boots!

Do you people still not get it? Hmmm...I give up. Me and my socks/pant/boots will just have to have fun times without you. And I assure you, I will!


Ashley Rae said...

Hello Ms. Kiss! I love this trend too. It's my favorite!

Hope all is well. You look great!

Isabella Kiss said...

I KNOW! it is just too fun! and thanks!

Paige said...

I love that look! It's not often cold enough here in California to justify it, but I break it out as often as I can :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments on my blog!

This has got to be my fav too! I don't own one pair of skinny jeans but this sure is making me want some! LOVE the elf socks! Rock it outside!

SL Burlhis said...

What's wrong with that girl's outfit? She's like an 80s art teacher ballerina cowgirl.

Also. Flo Rida is stuck in my head. Thanks.


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