Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Secret...

I have a secret to tell you. My middle name actually isn't Kiss. It is RoyGBiv. Yup, that is right, Isabella RoyGBiv.

And I have another secret... I'm lying. My middle name is Kiss and my birth certificate, if asked, will tell you it's true. But...RoyGBiv is almost like my middle name. Almost...

If you made it through elementary school and can remember back that far you will probably be able to recall what Roy. G Biv stands for. The order of the colors of the rainbow- Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. 

I think it is one of my mottoes (why is Firefox telling me this is the correct way of spelling this? Really?). Anyone who has known me for more than a month, or has been in my room for more than 30 seconds knows I am obsessed with putting things in rainbow order.  My clothes, from my dresser draws to my closet, are all folded/hung in rainbow order. Right now my granny squares from my blanket are stacked in piles upon my table. Yes, in rainbow order piles. My yarn box is also in the order of the rainbows colors, as are all my beads. Markers/pencils/crayons/paints? Yup, same thing. Anything I can color categorize I do. It makes me happy that way. God created the rainbow, and I like to...spread it around? *okay, maybe I am a little OCD, but my life is well organized and fabulously colorful*
(sidenote: This weekend I was told by my Hungarian-Kiss- grandmother that I must get this from the Italian side of my family. Apparently they are more likely to do stuff. I agree...and disagree. I have strange people on both sides.)

Today I was messin' around with my (mom's) camera and decided I wanted to take some ROYGBIVish pictures. I went around my room grabbing things of like color and took these pointless shots. I wish they were artsier, but at least the colors make me happy.



  1. oh I love the pictures with all the stuff, this kind of posts is always so amazing!

    great blog :)


  2. Ellie- you have no idea. I refrained from putting a pair in almost every grouping. I am a bit of an addict. Those are only like ...2/11 of them. Chucks are the best.:)

    And Emilie- thanks!

  3. Cute post!!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! I appreciate it! :)

  4. I do this too!! My closet has to be organized by colour or I don't feel organized! Great photos!

  5. Oh Bella, since RGB (shortened roygbiv?) is the setting used for web, are you going to do one of these for the setting used for print (CMYK)? I mean... It's only right...

  6. haha Awesome! I love organizing everything in rainbow pattern too! Anddd that's awesome that your middle name is kiss. How cute.


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