Sunday, November 28, 2010

It is that time again...

It is the weekend after thanksgiving and that means one thing: IT IS TIME FOR US TO GET A CHRISTMAS TREE!

I do not like picking them out; it takes too long. When we get it in the house I am usually sneezing my head off. I don't particularly love Christmas lights. No one ever agrees with me on how it should be decorated. But wait, before you mark me off as a Scrooge, let me defend myself. Despite all my dislikes, I ADORE HAVING A TREE IN THE HOUSE AT CHRISTMAS TIME. I love pine trees. I would be totally be okay with having one in my house ALL the time (we get ours the weekend after thanksgiving and then keep it around as long as possible. Last year we kept it until February. Then it lived on our deck for another 2 months...). Were there a way to plant a forest in my bedroom, I'd do it. Trees are one of the coolest things that God created and pine trees for sure are at the top of the cool trees list. So I am excited to pick out a tree, saw it down, and bring it into our house again. Love it.

Couple inspiring tree shots via weheartit

 This makes me want to get a plaid blanket and drink hot cocoa. And I don't even LIKE hot cocoa.

 Trees always look best outside but...inside is nice too.

 This has got to be one of the most magical things I have ever seen! I don't even understand how this was done but it is GREAT!

 *okay, I DO NOT like artificial trees, especially when they are so far from looking like real trees, but what I do like about this picture guess. THE BULBS ARE IN RAINBOW ORDER!!!

Tree made of wall art. :)

Don't worry. Pictures of our tree to come! Maybe it won't look this magical but I will still feel happy inside (and sneezey in my nose).


  1. YEAHHH CHRISTMAS TIME!! yayyy!!! i think i can only fit an artificial tree into my tiny apartment though :-(

  2. Picking out the tree does take forever, but its part of Christmas!!

    KJ and I are HOPEFULLY going next weekend to get ours! :)

    So excited for the Holidays!

  3. it must be really exciting (even though you dont enjoy it) to get a real christmas tree. we havent had a real tree in years, we just have two artificial ones!x


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