Friday, November 12, 2010

In case you ever wondered...

For those of you who have ever spent time wondering what it might look like if you lined up 144 granny/wee squares on a table (by color an according to the rainbow) in your bedroom, and stood on a chair and took pictures of them...THIS IS FOR YOU (or is that just me?)...

And yes! I am done. Count them, there are 144! But see all those little ugly strings hanging off of them? Yup, I have to sew those all in now. Then connect all of the squares to form a blanket...

We'll (I'll) get there eventually. And it will be a glorious day when we (I) do!


  1. Beautiful! Are you going to stitch them together in rainbow-order too?

    Btw, my word verification word is 'hodelo'. Thinking I may have to start using this in conversation. Well, hodelo! And how are you?

  2. Welll Hodelo to you too Beth!
    I did consider putting them together in rainbow order but.... that is a bit too literal. And I have more greens and blues and way less reds, yellows and browns so... might be trouble. We'll see. Deciding how I want all of them will take me a while.


Drop me a line! I don't hate comments.