Friday, September 24, 2010

Recent Makings.

You know me, I am always either making something or planning what I will make next. Creativity and artful expression keep me sane. So what have I been making lately? Let me show you.

First, after making the decoupaged dresser project, I went on to decoupaging something else: LETTERS.

When I was at Joann's picking up some supplies for the dresser I grabbed 2 cardboard letters that I had a project in mind for. My sister Lacianna's 16th birthday was coming up (it occurred on Wednesday!) and I wanted to make her something unique. So I grabbed her an "L". I planned to paint/decoupage it and hang it over her bed. (Also grabbed me a "B"...yeah, in the real world outside of Bloglandria people shorten my name to Bella)

First, I painted the edges out in "DareDevil Red" (left over from the dresser.

 Next I went crazy with magazine clippings and mod-podge. I tried to make each one unique to our VERY DIFFERENT personalities. It was fun cutting things out and then separating them into piles, trying to figure out what best fit me and what best fit her.(I got all the wordy, English, Literature things. She got all the plaid, girly, dramatic, colorful things)

Then I put some stick adhesive strips on the back and stuck them over each of our beds. Hopefully now when people come over they won't ask "Which bed is yours?"

Fun and really easy project. The cardboard letters of that size were $6, but they came in different sizes (also in wood) ranging from $3 to $12. Very affordable. Quick and expressive way to personalize a shared room! (also I would be GREAT in a dorm room to separate out "zones", don't you think? If I lived in a dorm I'd do it!)

Then yesterday I made something else. After talking to my jewelry creating friend, Lety, I was feeling inspired. I pulled out my jewelry supplies and got to it.
 I took these (I have a HUGE bead collection. For a long time I was really into making, and even selling, jewelry. I took every opportunity to buy beads by the cup, by the bag, by the lot. A good majority of what I have are vintage glass beads.)

 And made THIS!
I combined a TON of my glass beads, all colors, shapes, and sizes, with bugle and seed beads and created this BEAST. It looks like something bigger than it is. Really it is 3 strands (I doubled it over when I put it on, otherwise I would hang down to my naval...), all strung through one giant-holed yellow bead in the back. It is a little heavy, but very fabulous. And I can match it to like 500 outfits because it in cooperates SO many colors.

So is what I have been doing. Anybody inspired to create?

In other news I will be spending this weekend in Cape Cod on a youth retreat (*I'm going as a leader). Hopefully some pictures or videos will appear here on Monday to fill you in on all the fun I had!

Happy almost weekend everyone! May I highly suggest making something? Well, with or without your permission, I think I will. GET CREATIVE, PEOPLE!


  1. I LOVE the letters you made! Those are just awesome!!:)

    Yes, I am totally an eighteenth century pirate fact, that's what my current novel is about.*grins* Pirates of the Caribbean is the best!:D

    by the way, I arrived here from Shannon Hale's blog. I say you said in your comment you were a Christian and I was like, "Hey, me too!" So I clicked on your link and here I am. :D


  2. Ooo I hope there's NOODLE necklaces this weekend! It would go well with that necklace :-)

  3. Wow, you are seriously creative!!! Did you come up with those ideas yourself? Because they're fantastic!


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