Friday, June 11, 2010

The Moment we've all been waiting for...

...And by "we" I mostly just mean you should flip that "w" over and make it "ME"...

Today is June 11th, 2010. Does that date have any significance to you? DOES TO ME!

TODAY THE WORLD CUP STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You may remember back in the winter I went all fanatic about the Vancouver Olympic games? Now imagine how excited I was then and times it by like...maybe six...and that is what I am right now! Like the winter olympics, the World Cup only comes around every four years, and when it does, I GO CRAAAAZZZZY.

I love soccer (futbol...). I think, as an American, I am supposed to like football and baseball and stuff... but I don't. Football is cool and all, but FUTBOL, now that is the stuff!

Tonight the FIFA World Cup kicks (no pun intended, really) off in South Africa. I have a highlighted schedule hanging on the side of my new file cabinet. I have the FIFA site shortcutted on my desktop. I'm READY.

 First game is South Africa vs. Mexico. 32 teams. And a month from now the two remaining teams will face off in the final.

My money (okay, not real money.) is on England. Okay, I could be a good American and route for USA but...let's face it, they won't win. England very well could (they haven't since 1966, but this time I think they may. They'll at least be in the final four. Hopefully the final two. Perferably THE final winner). Some of the team's best players are out injured but they still stand a chance. A big one. If they win I will...I don't even know what I'll do. I will be going INSAAAANE. (unfortunately, I will be in Costa Rica for the final. {weird, last time I was in Mexico...} So my team will have to deal with me freaking out there. The guys at the church, Kingdom Takers, will no doubt be able to tell me what is going on. Costa Ricans love soccer too. So we can freak out together!! I am actually sorta excited for this culture shift in which the craziness will be taking place. I will actually be experiencing soccer with people who CARE about it. WHOA!!!!).

I am a true Brit at heart. Born and raised in the USA (...and may or may not be singing Bruce Springsteen at this point...), Italian and Hungarian for the most part, but there is a little, bitty part of me that is British and that part shines through in times such as these. My team is gunna kick some butt. And I'm pretty amped up about it. I will be spending a lot of time screaming at my 'telly' during the next month. (most of my screaming when England plays tends to be aimed at Peter Crouch. He is the tall guy who heads stuff like all the time and frequently misses shots on goal. And I think he is part stork, but that is another story...) And I might be sportin' my England-related garb during important games, just like a real fan. I might even paint my face with the red cross, tie my Union Jack around my neck and round around my neighborhood...maybe...just to say I did it. And to take pictures...'cause y'all know you want to see that.

Now what will be reaaaaallly interesting is tomorrow when my team (which we have identified as England) country...USA. Sorry, but I will not be acting very patriotic. I love America and all but...England ALL THE WAAAAAAAAY!

**and yes, in case you are wondering, there are some changes on my blog. This morning I made the mistake of messin' with Blogger's new template designer and I jacked up everything and then basically had to recreate my blog from scratch. It was blue, then it had orange text and the words were all over the place and...disaster. And it is still wrong. I dislike the white text, but until I can get things realigned like they were, it is staying white, so you can actually like...READ it. Blarg.**


  1. USA is going to win. you just wait.

  2. England is America's oldest enemy...

  3. this inspires me to get into this year! would you hate me if i say i've never watched it before? ahh i'm so sorry! but this is the year!!

  4. I like the new design personally. I used to race the red every time I read your blog to try and read it fast enough that the red on top hadn't loaded yet but then it would catch up and I would have trouble reading your blog again but with white words on red you still keep the whole red thing but its much easier to read!

  5. P.S. AS I was driving around maryland today I saw a car pass me that read in red car paint stuff that goes on windows "GO ENGLAND!!!!!!!" I, of course, thought of you.

  6. haha, glad i'm inspiring you people to watch soccer and then argue about it (and annie that car sounds AMMMMAAZZZING. )

    England/USA game not as great as I had hoped. USA should NOTTTTTT have scored that goal. they need to spank the brit goalie and then step it up next time (england...not usa...they can just...go to sleep if they such a great american...)
    They both play again on Friday against the other 2 teams in their grouping. Stay tuned!!!


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