Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Yes, yesterday there should have been a "Quote-able" post, but there was not. I had intended to use a bunch of quotes I had taken down in my notes at Awakening, but I wanted to find someway to tie them all together in a cohesive post where all the quotes linked together.

No such luck was had.

So, you are getting a raw (well...almost) look into some of my notes from the conference. These are just a couple things that REALLY stood out to me personally over the sessions of teaching.
"You will never change the world while you look like it."
"Nothing ever works if you do it half way."  - Jeanne Mayo (Session #1: Beauty and the Beast.)-

"Where ever you go, there you are. ...The problem is YOU, the solution is God." - Jordan Boyce (Session #2: We are Jonah)
"Who you hang with is who you become."  -Adam McCain (Session#4: Four Crazy Friends)

"I don't have time to do stuff that does not matter"-Jonathan Stockstill (Session #5: Grasping Eternity)

Anybody else out there think these couple lines are as cool as I think they are? Passion. Surrender. Friendship. Purpose and Calling. All things that God has really been building into my life more and more in the last year(ish). I hope someone else besides me is provoked by these words!

I'm Isabella Kiss, and I approve these messages.


  1. "Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love."
    (stolen from MLK Jr.)
    "God, the authority of authorities, says there is life in YOU!"
    --Rob Morris

    "Anything you don't surrender to Jesus will master you."
    "We withold the best from God, yet He did not withold the best from us."
    --Adam McCain

  2. "You can't change the world while looking at it"
    LOVE IT! Because it's SO true!


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