Monday, March 1, 2010


If you haven't been paying attention, the country of Chile was struck by a massive earthquake on Saturday. One of the largest in history; 8.8 on the Richter. That is 500 times more powerful than the one that hit Haiti a couple weeks ago. Then 50 after shocks followed.

Thankful the devastation has been much less, and the deaths have been far fewer (Chile is a wealthier nation with stricter building codes, so much more stayed standing. The same area also experience the largest quake ever in 1960.).

This earthquake hit me hard emotionally, more so than the one that happened a few weeks ago in Haiti. Though I was hearing stories and seeing the images, Haiti seemed like a far off land to me.

But I have been to Chile. I have stood in places that have now been hit with the destruction of this quake. I have friends there.

Back in 2005, I went on my first ever missions trip. We went to Temuco, Chile. There we worked with an indigenous people, the Mapuche, who the government has rejected. They live with almost nothing. But they are truly the most beautiful people, so filled with joy and generosity, that I have ever met. We helped them build a church, and since then other teams have gone back to help them set up micro-businesses through the building of greenhouses.

Please pray for my friends the Mapuche.

We (my church) also have close friends in Concepcion. There, a man named Samuel pastors a church. Many missions teams from our church have gone down and worked with his. His son Eliezar did an internship at our church a few summers back. We have sent part time missionaries down to Pastor Samuel and they have stayed in his home.

Last night, during Merge *our youth group*, one of our Pastors announced that we had finally been able to make contact with him; he and his family are okay. And I am sure he, his wife and children, are actively helping to aid people around them (at the heart of where the earthquake struck).

Pray for the people in Concepcion and for Pastor Samuel's family and church.

And now, the quote;

"God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling...
...Be still, and know that I am God."
-Psalm 46:1-3/10, ESV

Please join me as I continue to pray for the nation of Chile.


  1. I was so glad to hear that they are all ok. Hard times create the best leaders, glad they got some great men down there :)

  2. this breaks my heart.
    and the people of chile will be in my thoughts and prayers.


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