Thursday, March 11, 2010

"...Life is beautiful around the world."

I love traveling. A LOT A LOT. I've been a lot of places. I've have had 3 passports in the course of my life; I got my first in kindergarten.

I've been on missions trips to Chile, Mexico, and Costa Rica (going back July 9th!).

I've been on 3 trips in the USA in the state of West Virginia.
I've hit up quite a bit of the USA; I've covered pretty much all the east coast plus a couple other places. I've been to Hungary (added a family member...).
I've been to England; TWICE.
I've danced in a competition, and turned 16, in Ireland.
I've celebrated Columbus day *like their version of thanksgiving* in Canada.

At some point in my life I will make it to Australia or New Zealand. Might need to hit something in Africa (Egypt or some place with really cool historical things and traces of ancient civilizations.) and Asia, just to have done it. Going Antarctica is questionable. Jamaica is on my list. I've been told Iceland is a good time, but I have my doubts. And Italy is a must, but if I go there I will come back 100 pounds heavier, so I might need to wait on that and not eat for 2 years prior to the trip...

Currently, according to the Internet, I have visited 3.55% of the surface of the world.

I obviously need to cover a lot more. *and it says that I've covered all of the US. Lies.

visited 8 states (3.55%)
Create your own visited map of The World

Visited States

Visited US States Map from TravelBlog

Where have you been? Where would you love to go?

*speaking of people and places, this is YOU. ALL OF YOU! ALL YA'LL!
blog visitors, to date;

United States -1,445
Bosnia and Herzegovina -37
Canada -30
United Kingdom -23
Australia -13
Spain -5
Hungary -4
Virgin Islands, U.S. -4
New Zealand -4
Russian Federation -3
Sweden -3
Switzerland -3
Netherlands -3
Germany -3
Mexico -3
Ireland -2
France -2
Korea, Republic of -2
Philippines -2
Pakistan -2
Kenya -1
Indonesia -1
Peru -1
Argentina -1
Czech Republic -1
Italy -1
Saudi Arabia -1
Puerto Rico -1
Portugal -1


  1. oh my goodness you've been so many places! how incredible!
    and that map is too cool!
    i've been to france, england, germany, peru, canada... but i would love to go back to europe and visit ireland and italy!

  2. well! you should make a map like mine!! :)


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