Monday, March 8, 2010

Haircoloring in the Great Outdoors.

My best friend Emily Michael is amazing.
She is even more amazing than you might imagine her to be because she is a hairstylist to be (she is 300 hours into cosmetology school).
Today was 55 degrees and to usher in the beautiful springyness we decided to...
...color my hair.

She has previously put maroon/dark red streaks in my hair with "hair paint," but up until today my hair was techincally "virgin" (oh yes, they DO call it that in the professional world.) as it had never had any REAL color treatment in it...

'Tis no longer (prime example of how easily friends can influence you :p).

We, in our flip flip flops and other springy attire, went over to our local hair product store and bought some dye and whatnot. Back at her house we decided that coloring hair indoors on such a fabulous day would have been silly.
So we went and highlighted my hair out on her tennis court.

After much mixing, spritzing, foiling, and other professional type things (as well as a snack of nachos and queso during the processing time) I ended up with highlighted hair.
We were going for dark blonde highlights, but because I have natural red undertones to my hair, that isn't what we got.
And I am actually glad. Because red things make me happy. And red things WITH Emily are even better.

Tennis court, smelly stuff, and hands of an artist.

The artist herself, with giant, offical school logo-ed apron and purple glazed hair.


Hair dye. Or mustchup (mustard/ketchup. Long story.). Looked like it, but suuuureee didn't smell like it.

Me and my virgin hair, pre-dyeing.

Test patch foiling.

Magical PURPLE foils. *Not good when windy(rarely in is a beauty salon...). Or at least not easy.

My best attempt at an armshot of my hair post-dyeing.

Em, you are amazing, in case you haven't realized


  1. LOVE your new hair!!
    and i love that you guys did this outside! beautiful!

  2. Bella, you're amazing for lending me your head for expirementation :) how'd your rents like it?

  3. emily (wait...did you delete your comment?)my mom pretty much expected that result as her hair always ends up red too.
    and YES! it is SUNNNNNY again today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. wait no. your comment is right there...weird...

  5. crazyyyyyyyy people


  6. hedge, dont be jealous of the fact that my best friend is a hairstylist and yours is only a superhero by the name of batman... :p


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