Friday, February 12, 2010

Star Performer

My little sister Avi (almost 2) is a good entertainer.

She can tell you all sorts of animal sounds, phrases, count to 10, and mostly she can sing. She has an abnormal (for someone her age) ear for music. While she can't always get the words to songs correctly she can add her own words to the tune. And it..sounds like the song...?!

ABC's, itsy bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle, and all other childhood classics (as well as whatever else she hears enough times); she has them down.

Last weekend my mom was trying to get her to sing "Oh my darling, Clementine" on video(except she says "oh my darling papapa..." and sings it to my dad. We skip the part about being lost and gone forever and she substitute other words in tune...). But then she lost interest and tried to steal my camera...she also has a strange adoration of technology and knows how to work a phone...

Anyhow, I am posting the video because she is just too cute.


  1. this is way too adorable!! i love it!!

  2. anybody have any idea why my video keeps becoming "unavailable at this time."...? i've reloaded it, and it did it again. :/


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