Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let the games begin.

Tonight is the most important night of the Olympics.

At least according to me it is.


In case you haven't been paying attention, Snowboarding {the good stuff} kicked off Monday night with Boarder Cross (like motor cross racing, only on snow with snowboards, obviously). Seth Wescott of Team USA brought home GOLD. For a second time. Commendable job my boarding brother!

Last night was women's boarder cross. And poor, poor Lindsey Jacobellis of the USA wasn't able to bring dignity back to her name. She lost control in the semi finals, took out a flag, and was disqualified. I was yelling at my television.

In other Cross news, did you see team USA's pants!?

Burton, you are amazing. THEY LOOK LIKE DISTRESSED JEANSSSSS!!!!! (way better than Torino's pinstriped outfits...Yankees? On snowboards!?)

*At least Jacobellis LOOKED good as those pants ripped though a flag...

When I first saw Nate Holland wearing them Monday night I yelled at him *"What? Did you forget to pack your board pants, bro!?" *(...through my TV...) for wearing jeans and trying to race. Now that I know they aren't actually jean, I am muy muy jealouso and would really like a pair of 'em. I am so sick of going boarding and seeing everyone in gaudy neon colored outfits...

Now, back to Halfpipe talk. The king of halfpipe snowboarding (and skate boarding!), USA's 23 year old Shaun White--The Flying Tomato-- will be working his magic on half a cylinder of highly compacted snow.

**"oh my, he will not age well..." says my mother, watching an interview with the awkward looking white kid with a bush of red hair last night

"mom, he has so much skill and money that no one will care..."**

This is what I have been waiting for. For 4 years. YOU MUST WATCH THIS EVENT. For the love of America. For the love of snow. For the love of snowboarding. For the love of produce in flight!

I would really like the 3 guys from the USA to win all the medals in this event...but Shaun must take gold. If he falls and/or doesn't win, I WILL be yelling at the TV once more...VERY loudly.

*Ps: women's halfpipe is Thursday. You must watch that as well and cheer for the 3 American ladies. Because I secretly wish I was them...


  1. you wanna bet? clearly you are not an xgames fan....thats the extra freaky thing. he is beastly at BOTH. and is personally well aquainted with a man named tony hawk...

  2. I'm envious of the Burton "jeans", the flying tomato's hair and, skills obviously. Watching it NOW! so happy.
    Ps- the walls for the half pipes are now 22feet instead of 18! More dangerous and so more awesome!!!!

  3. So my dad was watching the Olympics tonight the first thing I saw when I came home and walked in the living room was Shaun White, floating into outer space, and I thought of you. And flying bananas.

    Also, tell your mom that Shaun White is actually quite attractive in that awkward kind of way, if you think about it, and that he is pretty high on my "men I would be really okay with marrying" list.


  4. hahahahaha. okay weeze...if you think so... :)but honestly, for other reasons other than his
    and apparently he no longer wants to the flying tomato. I KNOW. Majorly ridiculous of him. Now he wants to be Shaun "Animal" White. Annoying. So I can hold down the flying produce title. Little bugger.

  5. and em...his hair is a red fermented bush and he'll be bald by 35...

  6. 3rd comment on my own post...I wish Vito had gotten 3rd and Lago 2nd. (at Greg kid needs some more work...) then USA would have looked reallyyyyyy good.


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