Friday, January 8, 2010

Side Effects of Eating Toothpaste...

Toothpaste for Dinner. Oddly humored, terribly drawn, messily written comics. Some of which are funny and this be one of them...

Or at least I, the pirate, think it is funny. If I had a hook hand I would keep my Etsy receipts on it...

(*DISCLAIMER.* You people have been lied to. Real pirates didn't have hook hands. Only the guy who liked to fight an immature boy in green tights and run from a large, ticking reptile. Silly fantasy pirates, they've ruined it for the rest of us rogues.)


  1. :) imagine having a hook hand tho, i bet those would make convient weapons when someone was annoying you. just joshing...or am i?

  2. or if you suddenly wanted to fish with your body submerged in water.... :)


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