Thursday, December 24, 2009

Here's to many more...

MERRY (almost, practically, pretty much) CHRISTMAS,

My Christmas;
*Christmas Eve with my dad's (*Italian) side of the family (2 aunts, 2 uncles, grandparents, and 5 cousins)
Lots of munching of Italian things like; bread, bread, bread, bread and more bread. mozzarella and fancy cheeses of the like. meats with difficult to pronounce names (well, I don't eat them...) and more bread.

Dinner of Spoon Roast (which is some meat that you can supposedly eat with a spoon, but it is one of those myths. You use a knife and fork. But I use nothing.) and Penne pasta with Mostacholi sauce. Accompanied by some salad, and yes, MORE bread. ALWAYS.
And later Jesus birthday cake. And yes, we sing too. Just one of those traditions...

In between eating there is highly organized gift exchanging and some sort of a musical performance by the musically talented (and cooperative) younger cousins. Then much banter, political argument, and generalized joking around.

* Christmas morning, we open our stockings out in our barn next to the wood stove (after a reading of the Christmas story).
then 10:00 AM Communion Service at my church (but lucky me, I get to be there an hour early because I will be singing and playing the keyboard)

*Lunchy/dinner with my mom's (*Hungarian) side of the family (2 aunts, 2 uncles, grandparents and 6 cousins, typically, but not everyone can make it this year). Much less traditional and we don't even eat anything Hungarian...we basically munch on everything from sushi to nachos, from perogis to bread (yes, same Italian bread. we love bread.). Then things involving cows, quads, or hiking tend to happen...

Then back home again to finish off presents and pick it all up and try to find our lives again from beneath remnant wrapping paper.

That's my schedule. Hope yours go well! MERRY CHRISTMAS!


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