Thursday, December 17, 2009


Yes. Those ARE Christmas presents, despite their semi-unfestive appearance.

The paper looks more like something that you'd wrap..I for New Years, but I do not distribute New Year's gifts and I defiantly don't give out wine. I thought it was interesting paper; very shiny and it can double as a mirror. After all, don't people get sick of seeing a fat bearded man in red, candy cane stripes, and snowmen as they open their gifts? Not everything has to be red and green...

I had hoped to use the paper for everyone on my shopping list, but I literally RAN OUT after doing pretty much just my 8 people within my immediate family (*those above*).

I spent an hour and a half wrapping yesterday; I am really into symmetry and perfectly perfect wrapped gifts. I also unwrap in a methodical manner, wholly attempting to not rip any bit of paper.
I'm no Martha Stewart, but I do feel rather strongly about my gift presentation...
You'd think I'd just use gift bags...

8 days until Christmas, everyone!!!!!!


  1. I personally like to rip apart highland park paper bags, paint/stamp/color/whatever them and then use it as gift wrap :D

  2. see, this is why we are a such good friends. someone has to balance us out, and we do it well :)


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