Thursday, November 5, 2009


Okay, backstory for this shenanigans....

I once had Photoshop Elements on my family computer, but when I got my own computer for graduation and put it in my room we couldn't find the disk to transfer Elements from their computer to mine...
Months went by...
In the meantime I tried to satsify my lack with Picnik, but I am sorry, it is just NOT the same!
But at last the disk was found and has been loaded successfully onto my very own computer!


Usually I don't do too much important stuff on there; sometimes I resize, crop or truly edit and improve stuff, but I mostly like to fool around, turn things weird colors, switch peoples heads around, etc...

So in celebration of having that ability back in my powers, I turned a bunch of Bronx Zoo Zebras (a random picture from a trip we took back in June) peculiar colors, gave one a thought bubble (he sounds strangely like my little brothers...), and made them glow. Why not?

And yes. I know that I am ridiculous and that there is absolutely no point to making zebras glow. But I can, so I did. Life is short, you might as well make some rainbow zebras while you can. And this blog needed a little bit of shenanigans. The end.

1 comment:

  1. Just about the only thing I know how to do with photoshop is switch heads around! That and the clone-stamp tool. I'm a pro with the clone-stamp tool :P


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